Fast, Not Furious


Fast, Not Furious

Social / Digital / Art Direction
Roles: Concepting / Art Direction / Film Direction / Editing


The holiday season is the most competitive time of year for retailers and London Drugs was struggling to keep up. Christmas shoppers didn’t really think of London Drugs as a place to find gifts. We needed to help the brand connect with customers, demonstrate the range of gifts they offered and stand out amid the relentless holiday advertising clutter.


Striking a difficult balance between selling and storytelling, we created a multimedia campaign featuring ‘The Christmas Experts’: a trio of hopeless holiday gifters any family could relate to. Despite their old habits like regifting or resorting to socks, our Christmas Experts demonstrated that if they could get the perfect gifts at London Drugs, anyone could.


Our trio of gift-givers resonated. In the two Christmas seasons the campaign ran, London Drugs had year-over-year seasonal traffic and sales growth, with ad recall and brand link above normal levels.


Concepting & Art direction

Bruno Cirello


Bruno Cirello & Bronwyn Mackay

Web design

Bruno Cirello

Film production company



Robin Hays

Post production

Post Pro Media


Fast, Not Furious

Social / Digital / Art Direction
Roles: Concepting / Art Direction / Film Direction / Editing


Music has always been a great way to learn English. But in Brazil, many fans enjoy international hits without even knowing the lyrics. That's why it's pretty common for local artists to re-record these hits in Portuguese.


Music in general is played in separate channels in every speaker or headphone: the left and right side. With this is mind, we created a special radio programme by isolating these channels and playing famous songs in English on the left side and its translated Portuguese versions on the right - but at the same time. That way, the rhythm was perfectly synchronized, and toggling from right to left, you could get a real-time translation of the lyrics.


The activation was sponsored by FF English School and aired on Transamerica Radio Station, in a partnership that enabled the radio's massive audience the opportunity to use music as an interactive tool to learn a second language.

Hear for yourself

1. Open your System preferences and select Sound.
2. Under Output, toggle the balance from right to left:

3. Play any of the songs below:



Concepting & Art direction

Bruno Cirello


Samuel Segatelli

Creative Direction

Bruno Cirello


Felipe Pereira

Sound design

Felipe Pereira


Bronze - New York Festivals 2016
Bronze - Clio Awards 2015
Grand Prix - Lusos 2015
Gold - Lusos 2015
Gold - FEPI 2015
Silver - Colunistas 2016

Fast, Not Furious

Social / Digital / Art Direction
Roles: Concepting / Art Direction / Film Direction / Editing


Whether we’re lazy, embarrassed or just too busy, many of us avoid going for a check up, and that’s having a very negative impact on our health. That’s where Healthcheck comes in. It’s a free app that asks a series of casual questions, then offers AI-powered health assessments on your overall health.


With a series of engaging 3-D illustrations, we gave voice to many human organs, demonstrating how complicated the relationship we have with our bodies can be given our health habits.


By giving voice to our hero organs, we started a conversation about how important it is to listen to our bodies and most importantly, to point consumers into the direction of healthier lifestyles.
As a result, as soon as the campaign launched, the app saw a 7x increase in downloads, making it the app's number one driver of downloads to date.


Concepting & Art direction

Bruno Cirello


Dylan Petley

CGI & Motion Design

Andre Caputo


Fast, Not Furious

Social / Digital / Art Direction
Roles: Concepting / Art Direction / Film Direction / Editing


Sao Paulo is Brazil's largest city, with more than 460 years of history. To celebrate it's anniversary, AES Eletropaulo - the city's energy distributor - wanted to relive some major events from the past in a way only they could: using the company's lamp posts.


We created a device made of lenses that when attached to the lamp posts across the city, turned them into light projectors. In each one of them, a message was projected on the floor, quoting the remarkable fact that had taken place in that exact location.
And to truly relive the past, actors reenacted those historical moments, turning the streets into open-air theatres.


Boosted by social media and a teaser film, through an interactive microsite and even its own app, people could get to know more about the activation, watch the presentations live and share the experience, making them appreciate the city's brilliant history and to realize how important electricity is.


Concepting & Art direction

Bruno Cirello & Fabio Miki


Samuel Segatelli

Creative Direction

Bruno Cirello


Thiago Nabisco

Film Director

Bia Flecha


Bronze - One Show 2014
Merit - New York Festivals 2015
2 Grand Prix - Lusos 2015
2 Grand Prix - FePI 2014/2015
3 Gold - FePI 2014/2015
Silver - FePI 2015
Silver - Lusos 2014
Bronze - Lusos 2015
Silver - Colunistas 2016

Fast, Not Furious

Social / Digital / Art Direction
Roles: Concepting / Art Direction / Film Direction / Editing


Adote um Vira-Lata is one of Brazil's biggest stray dog adoption NGOs. Our challenge was to create an activation that put the organization on the spotlight and increase the number of adoptions. But how can you make someone adopt a stray dog?


Making it adopt you first. We created an interactive ad that ran on multiple digital magazines. As the readers came across a dog adoption article, our furry bud became alive and started following them through the magazine - the same way any dog follows their owner anywhere else.


Art direction

Cristiano Franco


Marcio Bittencourt

Creative Direction

Bruno Cirello


Marcos Alberti


Shortlist - Cannes 2014
Bronze - FIAP 2015
Bronze - El Ojo 2014
Silver - Fepi 2014
Bronze - Wave Festival 2015
Best of the Week - Best Ads 2014

Fast, Not Furious

Social / Digital / Art Direction
Roles: Concepting / Art Direction / Film Direction / Editing


TELUS has used Leo - an adorable lion cub - in most recent SmartHome Security comms. But how could we use him to launch a security bundle?


We partner him with his digital self, Neo. From prowling around the home, chasing off unwelcome visitors via intercom to even diving into his laptop and becoming a digital guardian of all things security, we featured our unstoppable duo in a series of social media videos, display banners, EMs and even in-store.


Art direction

Bruno Cirello


Dylan Petley

CGI & Post production

Post Pro Media


Fast, Not Furious

Social / Digital / Art Direction
Roles: Concepting / Art Direction / Film Direction / Editing


Even though London Drugs is a multi-product store, it is also widely recognized for its Photography department: from printing passport pictures, to family albums to high end lenses, cameras and equipment, it is the go-to place for all things photo in BC. And when a specialized competitor was entering the province's market, London Drugs had to protect its territory.


With an extensive tactical OOH campaign around the competitor's store, we emphasized what the province already knew: when it comes to photography, the real experts are at London Drugs.

- During phase 1, we gave experts tips for amazing photography in BC - from shooting in Vancouver rain to shooting babies and beautiful lakes.
- During phase 2, we heroed 3 local pros - a fashion photographer, a film director and a film DOP - who also happen to be LD customers, too.
- During phase 3, we launched an aggressive "Trade-in" program.


After one month of the campaign's launch, the London Drugs store within the radius of the OOH billboards saw an increase in sales of 34%.


Concepting & Art direction

Bruno Cirello


Miriam Mortimer


Adam Blasberg
Will Pursell
Amanda Dams


Fast, Not Furious

Social / Digital / Art Direction
Roles: Concepting / Art Direction / Film Direction / Editing


TELUS wanted to bundle their fastest internet with their safest online security product. But how could we sell such distinct products together?


With the basic premise of any kind of speed sport - the faster you go, the safer you need to be. In a series of social media videos, digital banners, cinemagraphs, e-mails and even in-store material, we featured a race biker suiting up with all his protective gear before hitting unimaginable speeds on the track, to culminate in a charming guinea pig witnessing it all.


Concepting & Art direction

Bruno Cirello


Dylan Petley

Film Director & Editing

Bruno Cirello

Post production

Post Pro Media


Fast, Not Furious

Social / Digital / Art Direction
Roles: Concepting / Art Direction / Film Direction / Editing


The working conditions faced by nurses in BC needed serious attention. Excessive amounts of overtime, overwork and extreme stress had resulted in high levels of turnover and challenges with getting new nurses to stay in the job. The BC Nurses’ Union (BCNU) needed help to raise awareness of these critical issues, generate public support and connect with public officials.


Instead of simply talking about the issues, we demonstrated them. We created a harrowing campaign featuring the real-life situations nurses faced on a daily basis. The campaign highlighted the shocking realities of being a nurse in the three primary nursing segments while calling for support to end dismal working conditions.


The story we told resonated with British Columbians and helped put added pressure on the government. As a result, the BCNU’s efforts in negotiating with the government were successful and they were able to secure another long-term agreement without any labour disruption.


Concepting & Art direction

Bruno Cirello


Miriam Mortimer

Film Director

Liam Greenlaw

Edit & Post production

Post Pro Media


Fast, Not Furious

Social / Digital / Art Direction
Roles: Concepting / Art Direction / Film Direction / Editing
Project 1

Critter Face-offs


Create an annual email template to advertise upcoming UFC events available on Telus Optik TV.


What do you do with over 15 years worth of Telus critters? You make them battle for glory.


Instead of choosing only one critter to be featured throughout the year, we decided to select multiple critters that would represent each and every UFC weight class division. So depending on the main card of the upcoming event, we would pair the weight division of the fighters to their according Telus critters. From flyweight, bantam, middle to heavyweight, we will always have a charming and unexpected face-off.

1. Flyweight

2. Bantamweight

3. Featherweight

4. Lightweight

5. Welterweight

6. Middleweight

7. Light Heavyweight

8. Heavyweight

Project 2

Calm & Openfit


Launch the new platforms of Healthy Living content available on Optik TV - Calm and Openfit.


Using existing footage and assets, we repurposed a few critters, making comms that were bespoke to each benefit of the platforms, with them either relaxing, exercising or just taking a deep breath.

Project 3

Gifs that keep on gifing


I'm sure you've seen some of these. Like, a lot. So why not see them a bit more, right?

Go on then, scroll down and delight yourself with these mind-blowing gifs created for multiple TELUS projects. They were used in email headers, social media, and yes, many media display banners.


Concepting & Art direction

Bruno Cirello


Dylan Petley

GIFs animation

Bruno Cirello


Fast, Not Furious

Social / Digital / Art Direction
Roles: Concepting / Art Direction / Film Direction / Editing
Project 1

Frozen food respects your time


Bendito Frio is a Brazilian manufacturer of home made frozen meals that needed to differentiate itself from the competition.


Exploring intimate situations in different home settings, we showed in a humorous way how home made meals taste even better when they can wait to be enjoyed in the most convenient time.


All characters were made of 100% clay, with no CGI and very little retouch.


Art direction

Jose de Oliveira & Bruno Cirello


Andre Curi

Creative Direction

Bruno Cirello

Clay modeling

Roberto Jun

Photography & Retouch

Renato Salzano


Shortlist - Cannes 2015
Project 2

Keep your worries away


Coimbra padlocks are safe, resistant and reliable. And in a country where security is a big deal such as Brazil, how could we demonstrate that in a non fear-mongering way?


We decided to literally show the product's benefit. We created flexible material posters and used our padlocks to lock the two sides of the poster apart. On each extreme, we showed engaging illustrations that demonstrated - in a light-hearted way - how you can have peace of mind by simply locking your worries away.


Art direction

Thiago Nascimento & Bruno Cirello


Andre Curi

Creative Direction

Bruno Cirello


Michal Dziekan


Marcos Alberti


Gold - FePI 2014
Project 3

Beer discoverers

Mr Beer was Brazil's first importer of high quality craft beer and needed to demonstrate how vast this world of flavours really was.


Art direction

Bruno Cirello


Andre Baldez

Creative Direction

Bruno Cirello




Fast, Not Furious

Social / Digital / Art Direction
Roles: Concepting / Art Direction / Film Direction / Editing


According to the World Health Organization, only 20% of smokers would like to continue smoking. The vast majority of 80% are willing to quit but somehow are unable to.


Bem Ser Institute needed to promote its anti-smoking program.


We created ashtrays shaped as pie-charts with only 20% of its space available for smoking, reminding smokers that in case they wanted to quit, help was within reach.


Concepting & Art direction

Bruno Cirello


Samuel Segatelli

Creative Direction

Bruno Cirello

Graphic Design

Bruno Cirello

Motion Design

David Donato


Silver - FePI 2014